Photo No. 6 - Unexpected clouds!

Taking a photo every day is still something I’m getting used to. After several days of cloudless skies and with a sunset scheduled for 8:30, I had been game planning all day what to do with another bright, sunny, cloudless sky to take photos in again.

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Ian Chase
Photo No. 4 - Cutting Hay

as I was leaving work today I came upon a farmer cutting the hay in his field, and thought the colors and lines would make for an interesting composition! I think the composition did come out well, but I’m still not pleased with the edit…

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Ian Chase
Photo No. 3 - Carson City Windmill

There’s a windmill in the middle of Carson City that we’ve been driving past for years. I’ve always thought it would be great for photos, but we always seem to be on a mission when we come upon it, or I haven’t had my camera on me at the time.

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Ian Chase