Photo No. 9 - The park and the City
Long day walking the streets of Manhattan, visiting the park, and catching a broadway play. It’s all been great, but I’m feeling a little lost when searching for things to take photos of.
A fair amount of photos were taken with the X-Pro2 today, which has been a great walk around camera for the city. I think I would have preferred a slightly wider focal length than the 35mm equivalent I have with me, but for the most part it’s worked out. The city’s also bright enough at night that shooting at f/1.4, 1/30th of a second, and ISO 400-800 works for most things I’d want to shoot free hand.
anyway, nothing to show for the night just yet. Here’s a shot from this morning:
What do I like about this photo
I mostly like the height and the view, as it’s not something that I see very often. I also like the detailed dark part of the photo accompanied by the very bright street. The angle of the morning light on the street is also neat.
What do I dislike about this photo
I’m not sure if it’s unique enough, and if it’s slightly overdone.
The dark shadowy areas feel a bit too dark. I think these will edit better on the raw file when I get home.
The horizon looks strange, like it’s been over edited, but I haven’t done anything to it. I think this could also be fixed by editing the raw file.
What could I have done to improve
Regarding this photo in general? It may have looked better at dawn or dusk… but I find that I frequently do not have time to take photos at dawn or dusk, so I think this was a good alternative for a mid-day shot. I would have liked some motion from the cars on the street, but to get the photo I had to dangle the camera out the window of our 14th floor hotel room. Holding the camera steady long enough for such small objects to have time to move may not have been possible.
Regarding photos in NYC in general? I’m not sure, this atmosphere isn’t really speaking to me… I guess we’ll see what the rest of our time in the city yields!