Foggy morning

Foggy morning with the Triumph TR3

Today’s the first of what I hope turns out to be a glorious end of year vacation from work, and it started off with wonderfully thick fog that hung around for most of the morning.

We don’t often have foggy mornings in Nevada, or any sort of weather for that matter, so I was pretty excited.  The first thing that came to mind was day time light trails from cars disappearing into the fog, but I wound up vastly underestimating how much light there still is on a foggy morning (it’s basically like daylight…).  I wound up settling for my father in law’s Triumph TR3 that we had to move out of the garage while the garage doors were being replaced today.

Epson R-D1s photos

The following two photos were taken with an Epson R-D1s that I picked up a couple of weeks ago.  The photo on the right is straight out of camera, while the one on the left has been edited slightly to increase the saturation on the car, and the brights in the background.  Looking at the two side by side though, I’m not sure if any edits were needed at all!

R-D1 after edits

R-D1 Straight out of Camera

2006 Epson vs 2018 Canon

I also shot the Triumph TR3 with my Canon eos R, and wound up editing these eos R shot photos without referencing those from the R-D1s during the edit.  Aside from the depth of field and slight white balance differences, I’m surprised by how similar the two photos turned out.  The Epson photo just about hit the target out of camera, while the Canon photo had to be manipulated to achieve a similar result.  In the end though I think I’m pleased with both cameras and lenses for reasons which I might get into later…

Epson R-D1 with Voigtlander 28mm f/1.9

Canon EOS R with 28-70 f/2.0

Why I like this photo

In the end I like all of these photos, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be either the landscape at the top of this post, or the portrait at the bottom, and for silly reasons. The landscape fits well on the Meural digital picture frame I have hanging in my office, and the portrait can be posted to Instagram… I like the colors of both photographs, the way the subject feels like it’s popping off the page, and the dynamic contrasty lighting.

Next time though, I want to show off the fog a bit more…

Ian Chase