Photo No. 2 - Red barn in Jack's Valley
Today’s photo is from Jacks Valley, in Douglas County, NV.
What do I like about this photo
The red barn contrasts well against the surrournding green scenery. I also like the way it’s framed by the trees, and path that leads up to the red barn.
What do I dislike about this photo
I’m not sure that I’ve edited it properly, as the image feels like it falls a little flat.
What could I do to improve upon this photo
I needed more time to edit this photo, as it still feels a little drab.
I had to crop quite a bit of the original image. I think the scene would have been better served with the 28-70 lens on the EOS R.
Extra photo-nerd info about the photo:
Camera: Fuji x-pro2
Lens: 23mm (35mm equivalent) f/1.4