Photo No. 6 - Unexpected clouds!
Taking a photo every day is still something I’m getting used to. After several days of cloudless skies and with a sunset scheduled for 8:30, I had been game planning all day what to do with another bright, sunny, cloudless sky to take photos in again. The clouds that greeted me as I walk out from work towards my car were wonderful though, and the light was great!
I’m not sure if I grabbed the best compositions or subjects today from my drive home, but I can definately see the positive results of the thought I put into where to take photos today. of the 19 photos that I took this afternoon, 6 of them were interesting enough to flag in lightroom. Anyway, enough blabbering… onto the photo!
What I like about this photo
I think I’m getting better at editing the raw files that the XTrans3 sensor & x-pro2 camera are pumping out. However, it could just be that the exposure & contrast of the scene lead to an easier edit.
What I dislike about this photo
I’m not sure that the composition works
I think I probably should have included a little more of the field, or gotten rid of it entirely. The problem with the latter though, was that I was leaning through a barbed wire fence to get the shot…
What could I have done to improve this photo
I’m not sure… I’ve been looking into studying the principles of design & color theory in classical paintings, perhaps I’ll find something new to look to. The composition feels a bit off though.
Extra photo-nerd info about the photo
Camera: Fuji x-Pro2
Lens: 23mm (35mm equivalent) f/1.4
Exposure & ISO: 1/400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100
Focusing mode: manual
The following graph shows the Qty of photos I’ve taken per day since beginning this project. I’m not sure how often I can post this kind of information, but I’ll give it a shot as often as I can. I find it fairly interesting…